Answer: flit

AnswerCrossword Clue
FLITMove quickly from place to place
FLITPass (by) quickly, as time
FLITMove erratically
FLITMove lightly and swiftly
FLITFly like a butterfly
FLITFloat like a butterfly
FLITAct the butterfly
FLITDart here and there
FLITMove like a dragonfly
FLITDart about
FLITPass quickly
FLITMove lightly
FLITFly like a moth
FLITDart along
FLITMove quickly
FLITJump around
FLITEmulate a monarch
flitto fly or move swiftly and lightly
FLITEmulate a hummingbird
FLITDash around
FLITBe like a bee
FLITWork the room
FLITMove like a monarch
FLITGo quickly and lightly
FLITMove like a hummingbird
FLITMove about rapidly
FLITMove swiftly
FLITMake mothlike movements
FLITPass quickly, as time
FLITMove like a moth
FLITSkim along
FLITFly lightly and swiftly
FLITDart through the air
FLITMove like a butterfly
FLITMove like moths
FLITMove lightly through the air