Answer: fras

AnswerCrossword Clue
FRASAbbey figures
FRASMen in a monastery
FRASBrothers in an abbey
FRASAngelico's colleagues
FRASMonastery group
FRASMonastery figures
FRASItalian monks' titles
FRASSome monks
FRASMonastic men
FRASLippo Lippi's colleagues
FRASCertain brothers
FRASLippo Lippi et al.
FRASTitles for friars
FRASLippi and Angelico
FRASMen in the hood?
FRASMonastery titles
FRASBartolommeo and Angelico
FRASGiocondo and Angelico
FRASTitles for monks
FRASTitles for Italian monks
FRASMonk titles
FRASBenedictine brothers
FRASBrothers in the hood?
frasFRA, a friar (a member of a religious order)
frastitle of address for a friar or brother
FRASMen in an order
FRASAbbey titles
FRASMonks' titles
FRASAngelico and Diavolo
FRASAngelico et al.
FRASBrothers' titles
FRASMonks' addresses
FRASMonk monikers
FRASTitles in a monastery
FRASItalian brothers
FRASMonks' monikers
FRASSome brothers