Answer: gems

AnswerCrossword Clue
GEMSDiamonds and emeralds
GEMSThings of beauty
GEMSPrecious ones
GEMSCameos, sometimes
GEMSValuable stones
GEMSCarbuncles and jacinths
GEMSThey're measured in carats
GEMSAmethyst and tourmaline
GEMSEmerald and diamond
GEMSStones for settings
GEMSEmeralds and diamonds
GEMSSome valuables
GEMSSparkling stones
GEMSTiffany merchandise
GEMSJewelry insets
GEMSRings' things
GEMSEmeralds, rubies, and sapphires
GEMSRing inserts
GEMSThey're cut and polished
gemsGEM, to adorn with gems
GEMSWhat "the four C's" grade
GEMSOnyxes and opals
GEMSPrecious stones
GEMSLittle treasures
GEMSRing stones
GEMSNice plays
GEMSWhat troy weight is used to measure
GEMSCrown ornaments
GEMSSmall valuables
GEMSValued ones
GEMSEsteemed ones
GEMSJewelry case dazzlers
GEMSTourmaline and amethyst
GEMSDiamonds, e.g.
GEMSTiara sparklers
GEMSCherished people
GEMSJeweler's inventory