Answer: gilead

AnswerCrossword Clue
GILEADMount near the Dead Sea.
GILEADBalm of ... (myrrh)
GILEADBalm of...
GILEADRegion in Genesis
GILEADBalm of ..... (fragrant resin)
GILEADBalm of .....
GILEADBalm of --
GILEADBalm of ...
GILEADBalm of ... (a balsam)
GILEADRegion in ancient Palestine
GILEADPlace of no balm
GILEAD"Is there no balm in ...?"
GILEADPeak in Jordan.
GILEADRegion of ancient Palestine
GILEADBalm of ..., a balsam fir.
GILEADPart of Transjordan.
GILEADRegion E of the Jordan: Bib.
GILEADBalm of ....
GILEADBalm-of-.. (fragrant resin)
GILEADJordanian peak
GILEADBalm of ... (fragrant resin)
GILEADMountainous region in Genesis
GILEADSource of a balm
GILEADBiblical balm site
GILEADBalmy spot?