Answer: grafts

AnswerCrossword Clue
GRAFTSInserted shoots
graftsliving tissue transplanted to another part of the body or from one person to another
graftsobtaining money or advantage dishonestly, as by political influence
graftsto transplant (living tissue) as a graft
graftsthe advantage obtained
graftsto insert (a graft)
graftsbud or shoot of a plant inserted into another plant to form a new plant
graftsGRAFT, to unite with a growing plant by insertion, also GRAFF
GRAFTSSurgical transplants
GRAFTSSome white-collar crimes
GRAFTSCauses to grow together
GRAFTSSurgical implants
GRAFTSTransplants, surgically
GRAFTSSkin-transferring operations
GRAFTSEmulates Burbank.
GRAFTSPlant transplants
GRAFTSSurgical procedures
GRAFTSBotanists' scions
GRAFTSSkin transplants
GRAFTSShoots from another plant