Answer: heaveho

AnswerCrossword Clue
HEAVEHOAct of ejection
HEAVEHOCry aboard a frigate
HEAVEHOAct of kicking out
HEAVEHOUnceremonious removal
HEAVEHOWords before and after "my lads" in the United States Merchant Marine anthem
HEAVEHOForcible dismissal
HEAVEHOAnchor-hoisting cry
HEAVEHOFinal throw
HEAVEHOIt comes with a pink slip
HEAVEHOOuster: Slang.
HEAVEHOSailor's cry.
HEAVEHOUnceremonious ouster
HEAVEHOTossing cry
HEAVEHOForcible ejection
HEAVEHOSailors' exclamation while pulling
HEAVEHOLikely consequence of kicking dirt at the ump
HEAVEHOBum's rush
HEAVEHOBar drunk's comeuppance
HEAVEHODismissal, and a hint to how the answers to starred clues were derived
HEAVEHOHasty dismissal
HEAVEHOConsequence of arguing with an ump, perhaps