Answer: iambi

AnswerCrossword Clue
IAMBIFeet in some meters
IAMBIOpposites of trochees
IAMBIPoetic measures
IAMBIPoets' feet
IAMBI"But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?," e.g.
IAMBIHorace's Epodes
IAMBIPoetic metrical units
IAMBIMetric poetic feet
IAMBIPoetic metrical units (Var.)
IAMBIFeet in some meters (Var.)
IAMBIMetrical feet.
IAMBIMetrical units
IAMBIMetric feet: L.
IAMBIPoetic metrical feet
IAMBIShakespeare's feet
IAMBISome feet
iambia metrical foot consisting of one short syllable followed by one long syllable or of one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable (as in above)
iambiIAMBUS, a type of metrical foot, also IAMB, IAMBIC
iambifoot of two syllables, a short followed by a long in quantitative meter, or an unstressed followed by a stressed in accentual meter, as in Come live / with me / and be / my love
IAMBILiterary feet
IAMBIPoetic feet
IAMBIPentameter pieces, perhaps
IAMBIUnits in a poem
IAMBIMetric feet
IAMBIVerse units
IAMBIThere are usually five in a sonnet line
IAMBICommon sonnet line quintet
IAMBIPoet's feet
IAMBIMetrical feet
IAMBIStressed feet, in poetry
IAMBIFeet in a line
IAMBIShort feet
IAMBII am near big feet (5)
IAMBIMetric feet.
IAMBIFeet of two syllables.
IAMBIPoetic feet.
IAMBIMetrical feet: Lat.