Answer: idlest

AnswerCrossword Clue
IDLESTHaving the least to do
idlest(of an engine) to operate at a low speed
idlestIDLE, inactive (indolent (lazy (disinclined toward work or exertion)))
idlestto pass (time) doing nothing
idlestto do nothing
idlestnot active
IDLESTFurthest from being a workaholic
IDLESTMost sluggard
IDLESTMost inactive
IDLESTLiberal inside that is working the least (6)
IDLESTMost otiose
IDLESTMost indolent
IDLESTMost slothful
IDLESTLeast workaholic
IDLESTLeast active.
IDLESTMost useless.
IDLESTLeast busy.
IDLESTMost frivolous.
IDLESTMost sluggish
IDLESTLeast occupied
IDLESTMost like a sluggard
IDLESTLeast productive
IDLESTMost lazy
IDLESTLeast likely to work
IDLESTLeast busy
IDLESTMost like a couch potato
IDLESTLeast active