Answer: idyls

AnswerCrossword Clue
IDYLSPleasant interludes
IDYLSRustic poems
IDYLSPleasant interludes (Var.)
IDYLSPastoral poems (Var.)
IDYLSRustic poems (Var.)
IDYLSBucolic writings (var.)
IDYLSTranquil scenes (var.)
IDYLSTranquil scenes (Var.)
IDYLSBucolic poetry
IDYLSTranquil scenes
idylsromantic interlude
idylsnarrative poem (as Tennyson's Idylls of the King) treating an epic, romantic, or tragic theme
idylsIDYL, a description in verse of country life, also IDYLL
idylslighthearted carefree episode that is a fit subject for an idyll
idylsliterary work describing such a scene
idylsa simple descriptive work in poetry or prose that deals with rustic life or pastoral scenes or suggests a mood of peace and contentment
idylsscene of charming peace and simplicity
IDYLSPastoral verses.
IDYLSBucolic writings
IDYLSPastoral pieces
IDYLSPastoral poems (var.)
IDYLSThematic poems
IDYLSWorks about the country
IDYLSPoems describing rustic life
IDYLSTheocritus works
IDYLSShort pastoral poems.
IDYLSPastoral poems
IDYLSShort poems.
IDYLSRelatives of georgics.
IDYLSPastoral verse.
IDYLSRomantic interludes
IDYLSNarrative poems
IDYLSPastoral compositions