Answer: impasto

AnswerCrossword Clue
IMPASTOThickly applied paint
IMPASTOThick-laid paint
IMPASTOThickly laid paint
IMPASTOThick layer
IMPASTOHeavy-brushstroke technique seen in many van Gogh paintings
IMPASTOPainting technique
IMPASTOVan Gogh's technique in "The Starry Night"
IMPASTONeo-expressionism technique
IMPASTOTechnique involving thickly applied paint
IMPASTOPaint applied thickly
impastoenamel or slip applied to a ceramic object to form a decoration in low relief
impastothe paint so laid on
impastothe laying on of paint thickly
impastothe thick application of a pigment to a canvas or panel in painting