Answer: inro

AnswerCrossword Clue
INROJapanese type of purse
INROSet of boxes
INROGeisha's receptacle
INROCio-Cio-San's set of boxes
INROSmall Japanese receptacle
INROPurse for a geisha
INROSet of receptacles
INROJapanese receptacle
INROJapanese purse
INROGeisha's girdle box
INROGeisha's receptacle for perfumes
INROJapanese box set
INROSmall case
INROSmall box
INROPerfume box
INROOriental case
INRONested boxes
INROJapanese case
INROObi accessory
INROJapanese medicine case
INROJapanese equivalent of a purse
inroa small compartmented and usually ornamented container hung from an obi to hold small objects (as medicines)
inroa Japanese ornamental container
inrosmall lacquer box with compartments for medicines, cosmetics, etc., worn on the waist sash of the traditional Japanese costume
INROKimono case
INROGeisha's ornamental box
INROGeisha's container
INROObi receptacles
INROLacquered receptacles
INROObi pendant
INROJapanese box
INROSmall lacquer box
INROJapanese waist pouch
INROJapanese lacquer box
INROJapanese girdle box
INROGeisha's case
INROIt's worn on an obi
INROSmall Japanese box
INROGeisha's ornamental container
INROGroup of nested boxes