Answer: ipecac

AnswerCrossword Clue
IPECACDrug for a poisoning victim
IPECACTropical root plant.
IPECACCreeping S. A. plant
IPECACEmetic drug
IPECACDrug made from dried roots
IPECACPlant of the madder family
IPECACCreeping S.A. plant
IPECACS.A. shrub
IPECACSource of emetine
IPECACCough medicine ingredient
IPECACEmetic root
IPECACSyrup in the medicine cabinet
IPECACSyrup of ...
IPECACDrug used to treat poisoning
IPECACPlant yielding emetic.
IPECACDrug used in aversion therapy
IPECACThis just makes you want to throw up
IPECACStomach remedy
IPECACPurgative syrup
IPECACEmetic agent
IPECACSyrup used after some poisonings
IPECACDrug for a poison victim
IPECACPoison-treating plant
IPECACPoison victim's remedy
ipecaca medicinal plant
ipecacdrug consisting of the dried roots of this plant, used as an emetic, purgative, etc., and as the source of emetine
ipecacthe plant itself
IPECACMadder plant
IPECACMedicinal syrup
IPECACDrug for a poison victim, maybe
IPECACCommon emetic
IPECACDover's powder ingredient
IPECACSyrup for a poisoning victim
IPECACPlant that induces vomiting
IPECACTummy tamer
IPECACPoison remedy
IPECACDrug-yielding plant
IPECACDrug source
IPECACMedicinal plant
IPECACSyrup of ... (emergency medicine for infants)