Answer: kangaroocourt

AnswerCrossword Clue
KANGAROOCOURTWhere it's hard to get a fair trial
KANGAROOCOURTTribunal to avoid
KANGAROOCOURTApt address for Australian zookeepers?
KANGAROOCOURTSelf-appointed trier
KANGAROOCOURTWhere a fair trial is impossible
KANGAROOCOURTScene of jungle-type justice.
KANGAROOCOURTPlace for a railroading
KANGAROOCOURTWhere cons get con justice
KANGAROOCOURTMarsupial motel?
KANGAROOCOURTSelf-appointed tribunal
KANGAROOCOURTMob-related tribunal
KANGAROOCOURTConductor of a sham trial
KANGAROOCOURTHolder of an unfair trial
KANGAROOCOURTIrregular trial venue
KANGAROOCOURTTribunal that leaps to conclusions?