Answer: laded

AnswerCrossword Clue
LADEDFilled a hold
LADEDBurdened oppressively.
LADEDPut aboard
LADEDDid a docker's job
LADEDTook cargo aboard
LADEDDrew water
LADEDFilled or emptied a craft
LADEDPut on cargo
LADEDCarried into a carrier
LADEDFurnished with cargo
LADEDTook aboard.
LADEDPut on board
LADEDStowed on board
LADEDPacked the freight
LADEDStowed, as cargo
LADEDFilled, as a truck
LADEDPut in a hold
LADEDGot on board
ladedto take on a load
ladedto ship as cargo
ladedto put (something, as cargo) on or in; load
ladedto lift or pour in or out with a ladle or other utensil
ladedLADE, to load with cargo, also LADEN
ladedto lade a liquid
LADEDTook on, as freight
LADEDPut in the hold
LADEDFilled the hold
LADEDStowed cargo
LADEDStored on board
LADEDWorked in a hold
LADEDPacked, as freight
LADEDStored cargo
LADEDPut on, as cargo
LADEDFilled a hold with