Answer: lemonde

AnswerCrossword Clue
LEMONDEDaily reading for many Parisians
LEMONDEPaper that runs mots croises
LEMONDEDaily in Paris
LEMONDENewspaper of record since 1944
LEMONDENewspaper launched in 1944
LEMONDEFrench newspaper
LEMONDENewspaper read on the Metro
LEMONDENewspaper in France
LEMONDEFrench paper
LEMONDECafe read, perhaps
LEMONDEParis daily
LEMONDEPaper with an Economie section
LEMONDEAgence France-Presse subscriber
LEMONDENewspaper read at Notre Dame
LEMONDEPaper launched in 1944
LEMONDEMajor French newspaper
LEMONDETout ....
LEMONDETout ... (everybody): Fr.
LEMONDEParis paper
LEMONDEFrench newspaper since 1944
LEMONDEDaily read in Dijon
LEMONDENotre Dame newspaper