

AnswerCrossword Clue
LINENDirty .. (potential embarrassment)
LINENFlax product
LINENKind of closet
LINENFlax fabric
LINENTable dressing
LINENSummer fabric
LINENComfy bedsheet material
LINENWhite-sale buy
LINENTablecloth material
LINENFabric from flax
LINENNapkins or sheets
LINENIrish export
LINENWoven from flax
LINENMotel supply
LINENItems in the wash
LINENChambermaid's concern
LINENBedding material
LINENType of closet
LINENCloset stuff
LINENSheets and such
LINENBedding and such
LINENChambermaid's purview
LINENFlaxen fabric
LINENSome closet contents
LINENSummer suit material
LINENWrinkle-prone fabric
LINENCloset contents, maybe
LINEN.. closet
LINENEasily wrinkled fabric
LINENCool, lustrous fabric
LINENStuff in a closet
LINENTablecloth fabric
LINENDirty ... (potential embarrassment)
LINENBedsheet fabric
LINENWhite sale purchase
LINENDirty ... (family secrets)
LINENBedsheet material
LINENNapkin cloth