Answer: lives

AnswerCrossword Clue
LIVESFeline's nine
LIVESPlutarch title word
LIVESPlutarch's concerns
LIVESG. Stein's "Three ..."
LIVESGertrude Stein's "Three ..."
LIVESStein's "Three ..."
LIVESSubsists (on)
LIVESVideo game allotment
LIVESAlive Modest Mouse song?
LIVESDaughtry "All These ..."
LIVESFeline nine
LIVESMakes every moment count
LIVESDraws breath
LIVESCats have nine
LIVESCat's surplus
LIVESCat's nine
LIVESEnjoys one's existence
LIVESVideo game units
LIVESVideo game count
LIVESA cat is said to have nine of them
livesLIVE, to function as a living thing
livesthe quality that distinguishes animals and plants from inanimate things
livesto continue in existence, memory, etc.
livesto dwell
livesthe period of being alive
livesliving things
livesto pass or spend
livesmanner of living
livesto be or remain alive
LIVESWhat bios cover
LIVESFeline ennead
LIVESSubjects for biopics
LIVESCat's ennead
LIVESBio subjects
LIVESMythical animal kingdom ennead
LIVESWhat seatbelts save