Answer: loaned

AnswerCrossword Clue
loanedthe act of lending
loanedLOAN, to lend (to give for a time only)
loanedsomething lent
loanedto lend
LOANEDLike a library book
LOANEDSpotted, as money
LOANEDLike some cars and library books
LOANEDGiven for a time
LOANEDLike many a library book
LOANEDIssued temporarily
LOANEDGave a stake, in bankers' terms
LOANEDAided with money
LOANEDMade a bank deal
LOANEDOffered the use of
LOANEDLet out.
LOANEDPermitted to use.
LOANEDAdvanced money.
LOANEDActed like a shark?
LOANEDAllowed to borrow
LOANEDLike library books
LOANEDGranted temporarily
LOANEDGave for a while
LOANEDExtended credit
LOANEDLike lots of money
LOANEDGave temporarily