

AnswerCrossword Clue
LUTZJump, Witt-style
LUTZSkating jump
LUTZSkater's jump
LUTZIce skater's backward jump
LUTZJump on the ice
LUTZLeap with one full rotation
LUTZSkater's leap
LUTZEponymous skater Alois ..
LUTZJump on skates
LUTZLeap for Michelle Kwan
LUTZSkating maneuver
LUTZSkating leap with one full rotation
LUTZFigure skating leap
LUTZOlympian's jump on the ice
LUTZRink leap
LUTZFigure-skating jump
LUTZKwan leap
LUTZKwan feat
LUTZLipinski feat
LUTZMove for Sarah Hughes
LUTZKind of jump
LUTZRink jump
LUTZSkating leap
LUTZLeap with a twist
LUTZLong program leap
LUTZSalchow alternative
LUTZSkater's jump.
LUTZNoted U.S. entomologist: 1879-1943
LUTZJump for Oksana Baiul
LUTZLeap for Lipinski
LUTZMichelle Kwan feat
LUTZIce skater's jump
LUTZKwan maneuver
LUTZSkater's toe jump
LUTZLeap for Hughes
LUTZFigure skating maneuver
LUTZDifficult skating jump with a backward takeoff
LUTZTurn on the ice
LUTZSpin out on the ice?
LUTZFigure skating jump