Answer: lyme

AnswerCrossword Clue
LYME-- disease (tick-borne ailment)
LYMEResort town in Conn.
LYME..... disease (tick affliction)
LYMEConnecticut community
LYMEOld..., Conn.
LYMEEast ..., Conn.
LYME... disease
LYMETick-borne affliction
LYMEOld --, CT
LYMEEast --, CT
LYMEConn. town
LYMETick-transmitted disease
LYMEType of tick-borne disease
LYMEConnecticut town with a disease named for it
LYMEKind of disease with a telltale bull's-eye rash
LYMEEponymous town in southeastern Connecticut
LYMEHistoric town in SE Connecticut
lymea leash, also LYAM, LYM
lymean acute inflammatory disease that is caused by a spirochete (Borrelia burgdorferi) transmitted by ticks (genus Ixodes and especially I. dammini), that is usually characterized initially by a spreading red annular erythematous skin lesion and by fatigue, fever, and chills, and that if left untreated may later manifest itself in joint pain, arthritis, and cardiac and neurological disorders called also Lyme
LYME... disease (tick affliction)
LYMEOld .., Connecticut
LYME... disease: tick-borne illness
LYMEConnecticut town for which a disease is named
LYME.. disease: tick-borne illness
LYME.. tick: disease carrier
LYMEOld ..., Conn.
LYMEConnecticut town with a connection to tick bites
LYMEConnecticut town for which a tick-borne illness is named
LYMETick-borne disease
LYMEOld ..., CT
LYMEOld ..., Connecticut
LYME.. disease: tick-transmitted affliction
LYMEOld .., CT
LYMEConnecticut town with a disease named after it
LYMEOld town in Connecticut.
LYMETown in Connecticut.
LYMEConnecticut town.
LYMEOld ..., Connecticut.