Answer: manifestdestiny

AnswerCrossword Clue
MANIFESTDESTINY19th-century American doctrine suggested by the phrase formed by the first words of the answers to starred clues
MANIFESTDESTINYPolicy of expansion
MANIFESTDESTINYU.S. doctrine of the 19th century
MANIFESTDESTINYDoctrine of U.S. expansionists in the 19th century
MANIFESTDESTINYU.S. expansionists' dream
MANIFESTDESTINYAnnexation justification
MANIFESTDESTINYExpansionist doctrine
MANIFESTDESTINYSpreading belief?
MANIFESTDESTINYShow one's future?
MANIFESTDESTINY19th-century expansion policy
MANIFESTDESTINYDictate one's fate?