Answer: middleagespread

AnswerCrossword Clue
MIDDLEAGESPREADFifties phenomenon for many
MIDDLEAGESPREADMetabolic slowdown consequence
MIDDLEAGESPREADIt may cause pants to be too tight
MIDDLEAGESPREADWeight gain, of a sort
MIDDLEAGESPREADBoomers' broad base?
MIDDLEAGESPREADWaistline concern
MIDDLEAGESPREADFortysomething concern
MIDDLEAGESPREADUndesired expansion
MIDDLEAGESPREADIt may make shoes out of sight
MIDDLEAGESPREADFiftyish expansion
MIDDLEAGESPREADLow-calorie margarine?
MIDDLEAGESPREADIt may make shoes slowly disappear
MIDDLEAGESPREADReason to diet and exercise
MIDDLEAGESPREADEmpty-nester's weight problem