Answer: minding

AnswerCrossword Clue
mindingFeel concern
mindingBe obedient to
mindingBe careful about the quality or nature of
mindingUsed to express one's strong enthusiasm for something
mindingRegard as important and worthy of attention
mindingUsed to make a command more insistent or to draw attention to a statement
mindingBe distressed, annoyed, or worried by
mindingTake care of temporarily
mindingHave an objection to
MINDINGFeeling concern.
mindingBe inclined or disposed to do a particular thing
mindingBe reluctant to do something (often used in polite requests)
mindinga memory (the gift of being able to retain and recall events)
mindingUsed to introduce a qualification to a previous statement
mindingUsed to urge someone to remember or take care to bring about something
mindingUsed to warn someone to avoid injury or damage from a hazard