Answer: mosaics

AnswerCrossword Clue
mosaicsa surface decoration made by inlaying small pieces of variously colored material to form pictures or patterns
mosaicsMOSAIC, to decorate with an inlaid surface
mosaicscomposite map made of photographs taken by an aircraft or spacecraft
mosaicsorganism or one of its parts composed of cells of more than one genotype chimera 3
mosaicspicture or design made in mosaic
MOSAICSDesigns of colored glass
MOSAICSArtworks made of many pieces
MOSAICSMultipart art
MOSAICSInlaid-stone decorations
MOSAICSInlays of tiles or stones
MOSAICSInlaid decorations
MOSAICSArtworks made from tesserae
MOSAICSDecorative works
MOSAICSTerrazzo patterns
MOSAICSInlaid-tile designs
MOSAICSSome murals
MOSAICSByzantine treasures
MOSAICSTile arrangements
MOSAICSTessellated artwork
MOSAICSInlaid designs
MOSAICSArt with tiles
MOSAICSDesigns in bits