Answer: narrower

AnswerCrossword Clue
NARROWERMore constricted
NARROWERNot as wide
NARROWERLess encyclopedic
NARROWERShorter of breadth
NARROWERMore prejudiced.
NARROWERMore limited
NARROWERMore restricted
narrowerDenoting a vowel pronounced with the root of the tongue drawn back so as to narrow the pharynx
narrower(of a person's attitude or beliefs) Limited in range and lacking willingness or ability to appreciate alternative views
narrower(esp. of a victory, defeat, or escape) With only a small margin; barely achieved
narrower(esp. of something that is considerably longer or higher than it is wide) Of small width
narrower(of a phonetic transcription) Showing fine details of accent
narrowerPrecise or strict in meaning
narrowerLimited in extent, amount, or scope; restricted
narrowerNARROW, having little width