Answer: neurotic

AnswerCrossword Clue
NEUROTICMildly crazy, to Freud
neuroticone affected with a neurosis
neuroticSuffering from, caused by, or relating to neurosis
neuroticAbnormally sensitive, obsessive, or tense and anxious
NEUROTICOverly anxious
NEUROTICLike TV's Niles Crane and Monica Geller
NEUROTICHaving phobias
NEUROTICNeeding a shrink, perhaps
NEUROTICEmotionally unstable
NEUROTICHaving more baggage than one can handle
NEUROTICSee circled squares
NEUROTICFull of anxieties
NEUROTICWord for the worrier.
NEUROTICLike many Woody Allen characters
NEUROTICLike Woody Allen
NEUROTICWoody Allen-like
NEUROTICLike many of Woody Allen's characters