Answer: niacin

AnswerCrossword Clue
NIACINPellagra preventer
NIACINRiboflavin's relative
NIACINAcid found in yeast
NIACINPellagra victim's need
NIACINMember of the vitamin-B complex
NIACINThiamine's kin
NIACINNicotinic acid
NIACINComponent of vitamin B complex
NIACINOne of the vitamin B complex
NIACINVitamin-B complex member
NIACINFresh-meat provision
NIACINSupply in fresh meat
NIACINVitamin-B component.
NIACINAn essential vitamin
NIACINB complex vitamin
NIACINA B vitamin
NIACINVitamin B complex acid
NIACINPellagra fighter
NIACINPellagra treatment
NIACINPellagra battler
niacinacid, a component of the vitamin B complex
niacina vitamin B
niacinan acid C6H5NO2 of the vitamin B complex found widely in animals and plants and used especially against pellagra
NIACINPart of the Vitamin B group
NIACINVitamin B3
NIACINOne of the B vitamins
NIACINImportant vitamin in meat
NIACINYeast vitamin
NIACINVitamin in liver
NIACINOne of the Bs
NIACINVitamin B complex component
NIACINIt's found in dairy products, poultry, fish, lean meats, nuts, and eggs
NIACINVitamin B acid
NIACINB-complex vitamin
NIACINB vitamin
NIACINSeafood is a good source for it
NIACINImportant ingredient in DNA repair