Answer: nmex

AnswerCrossword Clue
NMEXThe Rio Grande divides it: Abbr.
NMEXBill Richardson is its gov.
NMEXSouthwestern state: Abbr.
NMEXWhere Los Alamos is: Abbr.
NMEXState: Abbr.
NMEXWestern state: Abbr.
NMEXNeighbor of Colo.
NMEXChihuahua neighbor: Abbr.
NMEXHome of the White Sands Natl. Mon.
NMEXHome of Silver City: Abbr.
NMEXIts motto in Eng. is "It grows as it goes"
NMEXIts highest point is Wheeler Peak: Abbr.
NMEXHome of the Aztec Ruins Natl. Monument
NMEX"Crescit eundo" ("It grows as it goes") is its motto: Abbr.
NMEXAlbuquerque's home: Abbr.
NMEXSante Fe is its cap.
NMEXSanta Fe's state: Abbr.
NMEXWhite Sands Natl. Monument state
NMEXSen. Pete Domenici's home
NMEXGov. Bill Richardson's state
NMEXWhite Sands Natl. Monument setting
NMEXGov. Richardson's state
NMEXAztec Ruins Natl. Monument setting
NMEXWhere I-25 meets I-40: Abbr.
NMEXMountainous state: Abbr.
NMEXCarlsbad Caverns locale: Abbr.
NMEXWhere the Pecos flows (abbr.)
NMEXColo. neighbor
NMEXFour Corners st.
NMEXAriz. neighbor
NMEXJohn Denver's birthplace: Abbr.
NMEXAlbuquerque's state: Abbr.
NMEXWestern st.
NMEX"Land of Enchantment": Abbr.
NMEXTaos's st.
NMEXRoswell's st.
NMEXWhere the Pecos R. begins
NMEXNeighbor of Tex.
NMEXSanta Fe's state (abbr.)
NMEXNeighbor of Ariz.