Answer: oedipal

AnswerCrossword Clue
OEDIPALLike much of Norman Bates's motivation
OEDIPALDescribing a childhood stage
OEDIPALOf a complex
OEDIPALChild development stage, per Freud
OEDIPALOf a son's love
OEDIPALLike a mama's boy?
OEDIPALLike some complexes
OEDIPALLike a certain complex
OEDIPALLike some complex feelings?
OEDIPALLike some unhealthy relationships
OEDIPALLike some unhealthy attachments
OEDIPALComplex type
OEDIPALLike a certain Freudian complex
oedipalpertaining to a child's sexual feeling to a parent, also OEDIPEAN
oedipalof, characterized by, or resulting from the Oedipus complex