

AnswerCrossword Clue
PAMSDawber and Tillis
PAMSDawber and Shriver
PAMSActress Dawber et al.
PAMSDawber and Grier
PAMSGrier and Anderson
PAMSShriver and others
PAMSGrier and Dawber
PAMSShriver and Dawber
PAMSShriver et al.
PAMSActress Grier and others
PAMSJacks of clubs.
PAMSJack of clubs, in loo.
PAMSCertain knaves.
PAMSCertain playing cards.
PAMSTracts: Abbr.
PAMSJacks of clubs
PAMSKnaves of clubs, in loo
PAMSActress Dawber and others
PAMSFox Sports reporter Oliver and others
PAMSDawber and Anderson
PAMSAnderson and Grier
PAMSShriver and Grier