

AnswerCrossword Clue
PAROLEEnd of a sentence?
PAROLESomething to be out on
PAROLESentence shortener
PAROLEHood release?
PAROLEPeriod ending a sentence?
PAROLEConditional release from prison
PAROLEOne way out of prison
PAROLEConditional release
PAROLEReward for good behavior, sometimes
PAROLECon's conditional release
PAROLETurn loose, provisionally
PAROLERelease requiring regular reporting
PAROLEPrison break?
PAROLEJailbird's hope
PAROLEInmate's hope
PAROLEEarly release
PAROLEPrison escape, in a sense
PAROLEOne way to get out of jail
PAROLEHope for a con
PAROLEPrisoner's monitored release
PAROLECorrectional method
PAROLESentence follower, sometimes
PAROLEConditional freedom
PAROLEConditional leave
PAROLELet out conditionally
PAROLEGet out of the can?
PAROLEIt can shorten a sentence
PAROLEPrison sentence shortener
PAROLEPrisoner's reward
PAROLEWay out?
PAROLE.. officer
PAROLECon's early release
PAROLEInmate's desire
PAROLETerm shortening
PAROLEFree conditionally
PAROLEConvict's quest
PAROLEInmate's early release
PAROLEGood-behavior reward
PAROLEWhat a board may bestow
PAROLETime out?