Answer: piaster

AnswerCrossword Clue
PIASTERMideast money
piastermonetary unit of Egypt, Lebanon, Sudan, and Syria, the 100th part of a pound
piasterformer monetary unit of South Vietnam: replaced by the dong in 1976
piasterthe former peso or dollar of Spain and Spanish America
piastera monetary unit of several Arab countries, also PIASTRE
piasterformer coin of Turkey, the 100th part of a lira: replaced by the kurus in 1933
PIASTERFormer Turkish coin
PIASTERCoin of Cairo, once
PIASTERPart of an Egyptian pound (Var.)
PIASTERForeign currency unit
PIASTEREgyptian coin
PIASTERMideastern money
PIASTERPart of a pound
PIASTERCoin of Cairo
PIASTERPiece of eight
PIASTERSpanish piece of eight
PIASTERTurkish coin
PIASTERCoin of Mid-East
PIASTERCoin of Turkey.
PIASTERThe kurus of Turkey.
PIASTERTurkish coin.
PIASTERFraction of some Mideast pounds
PIASTEREgyptian money
PIASTEREgyptian monetary unit
PIASTEREgyptian bread?
PIASTEREgyptian pound part
PIASTERPart of an Egyptian pound