Answer: pierrot

AnswerCrossword Clue
PIERROTClown; buffoon
pierrota clown
pierrotactor, masquerader, or buffoon so made up
pierrotmale character in certain French pantomime, having a whitened face and wearing a loose, white, fancy costume
PIERROT1919 Picasso painting
PIERROTColumbine's ami
PIERROTComic masquerader
PIERROTPantomime clown
PIERROTStock pantomime character
PIERROTComic character in whiteface
PIERROTPining pantomime persona
PIERROTFrench mime
PIERROTMale character in French pantomime
PIERROTPantomime buffoon
PIERROTFrench mime role
PIERROTCo1umbine's admirer.
PIERROTFigure in pantomime.
PIERROTComedy character of French pantomime.
PIERROTPantomime character.
PIERROTFrench pantomime character
PIERROTFrench comic character
PIERROTPantomime character
PIERROTHarlequin's French counterpart