Answer: poops

AnswerCrossword Clue
poopsPOOP, to tire out
poopsThe aftermost and highest deck of a ship, esp. in a sailing ship where it typically forms the roof of a cabin in the stern
POOPSAft decks
POOPSTires (with "out")
POOPSTires out
POOPSShip decks
POOPSDecks of old-time ships.
POOPSCertain decks.
POOPSStern decks on sailing ships.
POOPS.... out (gets exhausted)
POOPSDecks on sailing ships.
POOPSTuckers out
POOPS... out: fatigues
POOPSBecomes exhausted, with "out"
POOPSTires, with "out"
POOPSTires (out)
POOPSExhausts, in slang
POOPS... out (gets tired)
POOPS.. out (gets exhausted)