Answer: prego

AnswerCrossword Clue
PREGOBrand name with an accent at the end
PREGOMilan "You're welcome"
PREGOPisan "You're welcome"
PREGOResponse to "grazie"
PREGOChunky Garden pasta sauce brand
PREGOPolite Italian word
PREGOVi ... (I pray you): It.
PREGOItalian's please
PREGOPlease, in Padua
PREGOResponse to "Grazie!"
PREGOItalian "please"
PREGORagú competitor
PREGORagú alternative
PREGOYou're welcome, in Pisa
PREGOCampbell Soup Co. brand
PREGONewman's Own alternative
PREGOCompetitor of Ragú
PREGOPolite word in Palermo
PREGOSpaghetti topper
PREGOSauce brand
PREGOCampbell spaghetti sauce brand
PREGOResponse to "Grazie"
PREGORagu alternative
PREGOPolite response in Palermo
PREGOAlternative to Ragu
PREGOCompetitor of Ragu
PREGOBarilla competitor
PREGOResponse to grazie
PREGO"Grazie" reply
PREGORagu rival
PREGOPasta-sauce brand
PREGOSpaghetti sauce brand
PREGO"Grazie" response
PREGOBarilla rival
PREGOMaker of Chunky Garden sauces
PREGORagú rival
PREGOMarinara sauce brand
PREGOTopping whose name means "please"
PREGORagu competitor
PREGOFive Brothers competitor