Answer: proxy

AnswerCrossword Clue
PROXYPerson authorized to act for another
PROXYCertain vote
PROXYPower of attorney
PROXYAgent may snoop around beast
PROXYSubstitute, in law
PROXYStockholder's prerogative
PROXYStockholder's vote
PROXYStockholder's substitute
PROXYAuthorized substitute
PROXYPower to represent another
PROXYVoting substitute
PROXYOne with the power of attorney
PROXYOne authorized to act for another
PROXYKind of vote
PROXYAbsentee ballot
PROXYVoting power
PROXYAuthority to act for another
PROXYWeb server type
PROXYKind of vote for a shareholder
proxythe agency, function, or office of a deputy who acts as a substitute for another
proxyperson authorized to act for another or the power to do so
proxya person authorised to act for another
proxyperson authorized to act for another procurator
proxypower of attorney authorizing a specified person to vote corporate stock
proxydocument giving such authority
PROXYShareholder's substitute
PROXYLegal substitute
PROXYStand-in with power
PROXYStockholder's designee
PROXYStockholder's agent
PROXYOfficial substitute
PROXYVote by ...
PROXYElectoral college member, e.g.
PROXYAgent, as in a corporate vote
PROXYAuthorized stand-in