Answer: purest

AnswerCrossword Clue
PURESTLeast adulterated
PURESTMost genuine
PUREST" . . . a gem of ... ray serene": Gray
PURESTMost faultless
PURESTLeast alloyed
PURESTMost perfect
PURESTLeast affected
PURESTMost unsullied
PURESTMost theoretical
PURESTLike 24K gold
PURESTLeast sullied
PUREST"The ... treasure mortal times afford is spotless reputation": Shakespeare
PURESTLeast contaminated
purestbeing that and nothing else
puresttheoretical, as science or mathematics
purestfree of pollutants
purestPURE, clean, unspoiled or unmixed
PURESTLeast diluted
PURESTAbsolutely untainted
PURESTLeast tainted
PURESTMost virtuous
PURESTMost like driven snow
PURESTLeast spoiled
PURESTMost pristine
PURESTMost unspoiled
PURESTMost homogeneous
PURESTWithout contaminants
PUREST"Of ... ray serene."
PURESTMost perfect.
PURESTMost unadulterated.
PURESTHaving the least adulteration.
PURESTMost absolute
PUREST" . . . of ... ray serene"
PURESTLeast polluted