Answer: purged

AnswerCrossword Clue
purgedcause purgation
purgedhave or produce frequent evacuations
purgedto clear of guilt
purgedPURGE, to purify (to cleanse from impurities)
purgedcause evacuation from (as the bowels)
purgedfree from moral or ceremonial defilement
purgedthe act or means of purging
purgedrid (as a nation or party) by a purge
purgedmake free of something unwanted purge a manhole of gas purge yourself of fear
purgedto eliminate (undesirable members) from an organization
purgedget rid of the leaders had been purged
purgedto cleanse; purify
PURGEDHad a catharsis
purgedfree (as a boiler) of sediment or relieve (as a steam pipe) of trapped air by bleeding
purgedbecome purged
purgedto clear (the stomach or intestines) by causing evacuation
PURGEDGot rid of
PURGEDFreed of dissidents
PURGEDRid (of)
PURGEDRemoved impurities