

AnswerCrossword Clue
RAGEDBlew a gasket
RAGEDSpoke violently
RAGEDHit the ceiling
RAGEDHit the roof
RAGEDPopped one's cork
RAGEDThrew a fit
RAGEDCarried on
RAGEDBlew one's top
RAGEDWent wild
RAGEDMore than just flowed
RAGEDLost it
RAGEDWent on violently
RAGEDActed with fury
RAGEDFlowed furiously
RAGEDThrew a hissy fit
RAGEDHad a tantrum
RAGEDBlazed furiously
RAGEDBlew a gasket, so to speak
RAGEDWas relentless, as a storm
RAGEDWreaked havoc, as a battle
RAGEDFlew off the handle
RAGEDMore than fumed
RAGEDThrew a temper tantrum
RAGEDWent berserk
RAGEDContinued violently, as a battle
RAGEDWent ballistic
RAGEDWent off the deep end
RAGEDBlew one's cork
RAGEDBlew a fuse
RAGEDWent nuts
RAGEDExpressed anger
RAGEDActed angry
RAGEDBlew one's stack
RAGEDDisplayed anger
RAGEDShowed anger
RAGEDThrew a tantrum
RAGEDContinued unabated