Answer: rappel

AnswerCrossword Clue
RAPPELMountaineer's maneuver
rappelto descend from a steep height by means of a rope
rappelto descend (as from a cliff) by sliding down a rope passed under one thigh, across the body, and over the opposite shoulder or through a special friction device
RAPPELGo down a face, in a way
RAPPELClimber's descent method
RAPPELOne way to descend a mountain
RAPPELA way to descend
RAPPELDescend, as from a mountain
RAPPELDescend in a controlled fashion
RAPPELDescent of a sort
RAPPELDescend, in mountaineering
RAPPELMountain-climbing technique
RAPPELCome down a mountain, maybe
RAPPELClimber's descent
RAPPELManeuver for Hillary
RAPPELClimb (down) by rope
RAPPELDrum call to arms.
RAPPELMountaineer's descent
RAPPELLower oneself with a rope
RAPPELDescend a cliff
RAPPELTrain for firefighting
RAPPELDescent technique
RAPPELRope down a mountain
RAPPELCome down a double rope
RAPPELMountaineer's descent technique
RAPPELSteep-descent method
RAPPELDescend, mountaineer-style
RAPPELDescend, while rock climbing
RAPPELDescend by rope