Answer: rata

AnswerCrossword Clue
RATAPro ..... (proportionally)
RATAPro .....
RATAPro .... (proportionately)
RATAPro ... (proportionate)
RATAReynosa rodent
RATAPro ... (one way to divide things)
RATAMadrid maze-runner
RATAPro accompanier?
RATAPro ... distribution
RATA-- -tat
RATA-- -tat-tat
RATAPro -- (in proportion)
RATAPro ..... (proportionately)
RATAPro ..... (proportionate)
RATAPro ... (shared equally)
RATAProportionately (with "Pro")
RATA"Tat-tat" preceder
RATA...-tat (snare drum sound)
RATA"Tat-tat" start
RATAStart to "tat"
RATA"Pro" follower
RATA"Tat-tat" intro
RATATat-tat intro
RATA...-tat (drumming output)
RATA... -tat-tat
RATAFijian chestnut
RATACouple of words before "tat"
RATA...-tat (knocking sound)
rataproportionately according to an exactly calculable factor (as share or liability)
rataeither of two New Zealand myrtaceous forest trees, Metrosideros robusta or M. lucida, having crimson flowers and hard wood
RATAPro...: proportionally
RATAPro ...
RATAPro ....
RATAPro follower
RATATat-tat preceder
RATAPro ... (proportionally)
RATAPro .. (proportionally)