Answer: raved

AnswerCrossword Clue
RAVEDWent on wildly
RAVEDExpressed enthusiasm
RAVEDWas incoherent
RAVEDSpoke irrationally
RAVEDWrote a four-star review
RAVEDTalked like a madman
RAVEDTalked irrationally
RAVEDGave many kudos
RAVEDWas manic
RAVEDWas delirious
RAVEDUttered inanities
RAVEDPraised extravagantly
RAVEDBlew one's stack
RAVEDTalked gibberish
RAVEDSpoke gushingly
ravedto talk wildly
ravedRAVE, to utter wildly or incoherently
RAVEDPraised something to the skies
RAVEDGave a thumbs-way-up review
RAVEDSpoke nonsense
RAVEDWent nuts
RAVEDWent bananas
RAVEDLost it
RAVEDMade a fuss
RAVEDSpoke ecstatically
RAVEDActed the maniac
RAVEDPartner of "ranted"
RAVEDSpoke in a frenzy
RAVEDWent to all night techno party
RAVEDPraised passionately
RAVEDSaid excellent things (about)
RAVEDObviously loved the movie
RAVEDGave a glowing review
RAVEDShowed enthusiasm
RAVEDGave a four-star review