Answer: received

AnswerCrossword Clue
receivedGreet or welcome (a visitor) formally
receivedBe given, presented with, or paid (something)
receivedMeet with (a specified response or reaction)
receivedAdmit as a member
receivedForm (an idea or impression) as a result of perception or experience
receivedBuy or accept goods in the knowledge that they have been stolen
receivedWidely accepted as authoritative or true
receivedRespond to (something) in a specified way
receivedTake delivery of (something sent or communicated)
receivedServe as a receptacle for
receivedSuffer, experience, or be subject to (specified treatment)
RECEIVEDGreeted, as guests.
receivedRECEIVE, to accept (to receive with favour)
receivedProvide space or accommodations for
received(in tennis and similar games) Be the player to whom the server serves (the ball)
receivedDetect or pick up (broadcast signals)
receivedMeet and have to withstand
receivedBe visited by
receivedConsent to formally hear (an oath or confession)
received(in Christian services) Eat or drink (the Eucharistic bread or wine)
RECEIVEDGreeted, as guests