Answer: refit

AnswerCrossword Clue
REFITEquip a stripped ship
REFITAccouter anew
REFITInstall to new specifications
REFITAttach anew, as lug nuts
REFITChange the equipment
REFITMake ready for use again
REFITGet new equipment
REFITGet more supplies
REFITTailor after-diet clothes
REFITBring new supplies
REFITRepair a ship
REFITAlter a jacket
REFITMake shipshape again
REFITRestore, as a ship
REFITPrepare again
REFITAdjust again
REFITPut a vessel in condition.
REFITOverhaul an apparatus
refitto fit out afresh and repair
refitto get refitted
refitto fit, prepare, or equip again
refitto renew supplies or equipment
refitact of refitting
REFITUpdate a factory
REFITEquip to new specs
REFITSupply anew
REFITObtain repairs
REFITOverhaul, as a factory
REFITMake usable again
REFITTailor again
REFITTrick out with new components
REFITSize again
REFITMake like new
REFITWork over, as a ship
REFITPrepare for additional use
REFITOverhaul, as a ship
REFITUpgrade, as machinery
REFITUpdate equipment
REFITUpdate a submarine's equipment