Answer: retools

AnswerCrossword Clue
RETOOLSAdapts factory machinery
retoolsAdapt or prepare oneself for something
retoolsAdapt or alter (someone or something) to make them more useful or suitable
retoolsRETOOL, to reequip with tools
retoolsEquip (a factory) with new or adapted tools
RETOOLSModernizes, as a factory
RETOOLSUpdates a factory's gear
RETOOLSModernizes a factory
RETOOLSChanges the machinery
RETOOLSAdapts machinery for new uses
RETOOLSAdjusts to modernize production.
RETOOLSUpdates, as machinery
RETOOLSModernizes, perhaps
RETOOLSUpdates, as a factory
RETOOLSUpgrades the factory
RETOOLSUpdates factory machinery