Answer: revet

AnswerCrossword Clue
REVETSupport with stone, as an embankment
REVETFace with stone
REVETFace an embankment
REVETFace, militarily
REVETProvide an embankment
REVETWall an incline
REVETProtect with sandbags, etc.
REVETProtect a wall
REVETBuild a barricade
REVETStrenghten, as a levee
REVETBuild an embankment
REVETLine an embankment with stone
REVETSupport, as an embankment
REVETReinforce a wall with bricks
REVETProtect with sandbags
REVETCover a wall with stone
REVETStone facing
REVETProtect with sandbags, perhaps
revetto face (as an embankment) with a revetment
revetto face, as an embankment, with masonry or other material
revetto face with masonry
REVETFace (a wall) with stone, brick, etc.
REVETShore up, as an embankment
REVETStrengthen, as an embankment
REVETFace with masonry.
REVETBuild a retaining wall.
REVETFace an embankment.
REVETSupport with a wall: Mil.
REVETBuild a retaining wall, as a fortification.
REVETFace with stone.
REVETMake a retaining wall.
REVETPave an embankment.
REVETProtect from erosion, as a riverbank
REVETFace (a bank) with stone.
REVETBuild an embankment.
REVETFare (a wall) with stone.
REVETFace a levee with stone.
REVETBuild a barricade.
REVETReinforce an embankment.
REVETFace, as an embankment