Answer: rheas

AnswerCrossword Clue
RHEASBirds of the pampas
RHEASNonflying birds.
RHEASAmerican ostriches.
RHEASLargest of So. American birds.
RHEASSouth American birds.
RHEASBig S.A. birds
RHEASRatite birds
RHEASOstriches' cousins
RHEASAmerican ostriches
RHEASPerlman and others
RHEASSouth American ostriches
RHEASBirds with a name from Greek myth
RHEASCousins of ostriches
RHEASOstrich relatives of South America
RHEASLarge birds.
RHEASBig birds of South America
RHEASOstrich-like birds
RHEASCertain ratites
RHEASKin of ostriches
RHEASAmerican ratites
RHEASBig ratite birds
RHEASThree-toed creatures similar to ostriches
RHEASSome big birds
RHEASGrounded avians
RHEASCousins of emus
rheasone of the moons of Saturn
rheaseither of two South American, ratite birds, Rhea americana or Pterocnemia pennata, resembling the African ostrich but smaller and having three toes
rheasRHEA, a flightless bird
rheasthe ramie plant or fiber
RHEASOstriches' kin
RHEASOstrich cousins
RHEASSouth American ratites
RHEASBirds caught by gauchos
RHEASLarge flightless birds
RHEASFlightless South American birds
RHEASOstrichlike birds
RHEASThree-toed birds
RHEASFlightless birds