Answer: ripple

AnswerCrossword Clue
RIPPLEMoire pattern
RIPPLEWater sound
RIPPLEMake waves
RIPPLELittle laughter
RIPPLEFudge ... ice cream
RIPPLESlight noticeable effect
RIPPLEMicro wave?
RIPPLEFudgy ice cream
RIPPLECheap wine
RIPPLEA less grand rapid
RIPPLESign of wind on water
rippleA type of ice cream with wavy lines of colored flavored syrup running through it
rippleA particular feeling or effect that spreads through or to someone or something
rippleA small wave or series of waves on the surface of water, esp. as caused by an object dropping into it or a slight breeze
rippleA wave on a fluid surface, the restoring force for which is provided by surface tension rather than gravity, and that consequently has a wavelength shorter than that corresponding to the minimum speed of propagation
rippleA thing resembling such a wave or series of waves in appearance or movement
rippleSmall periodic, usually undesirable, variations in electrical voltage superposed on a direct voltage or on an alternating voltage of lower frequency
rippleto form small waves
rippleA gentle rising and falling sound, esp. of laughter or conversation, that spreads through a group of people
RIPPLEMinor aberration
RIPPLETiny tsunami?
RIPPLESplash effect
RIPPLESplash remnant
RIPPLEWee wave
RIPPLESmall wave
RIPPLE.. effect
RIPPLELittle wave
RIPPLEIce-cream extra
RIPPLEMinor anomaly
RIPPLERuffle slightly.
RIPPLESmall undulation.
RIPPLESlight movement.
RIPPLEVisible vibration.
RIPPLELittle curling wave.