Answer: roadster

AnswerCrossword Clue
ROADSTERCar for the campy crowd.
ROADSTERKind of auto.
ROADSTEROld car style
ROADSTERAuto style
ROADSTERFlapper-age vehicle
ROADSTERFlapper Age vehicle
ROADSTERType of car.
ROADSTEROpen-bodied auto
roadsterearly automobile having an open body, a single seat for two or three persons, and a large trunk or a rumble seat
roadstera horse suitable for riding or driving on roads
roadstera light, open automobile
roadsterutility saddle horse of the hackney type
roadsterlight carriage buggy
roadsterhorse for riding or driving on the road
roadsterautomobile with an open body that seats two and has a folding fabric top and often a luggage compartment or rumble seat in the rear
ROADSTERWord in the etymology of "hot rod"
ROADSTERClassic Triumph
ROADSTERAuto with a rumble seat
ROADSTERAuto for two
ROADSTERSportly transportation
ROADSTERSports car with a rumble seat
ROADSTERVehicle with a rumble seat
ROADSTERCar with a rumble seat
ROADSTERCool car of the '20s
ROADSTEROpen-bodied antique auto
ROADSTERModel T model
ROADSTERSporty car
ROADSTEROpen two-seat auto
ROADSTEROpen car for two.
ROADSTERSports car.
ROADSTEROld-time sports model.