Answer: roofed

AnswerCrossword Clue
ROOFEDLike the Astrodome
roofedthe cover of a building
roofedupper limit ceiling
roofedto provide with a roof
roofedcovering structure of any of various parts of the body roof of the skull
roofedROOF, to provide a building with a covering
roofedthe upper covering of a building
roofedcanopy of leaves and branches
ROOFEDLike the Superdome
ROOFEDPut tiles on a building
ROOFEDDid some house work?
ROOFEDWorked with shingles
ROOFEDPut down shingles
ROOFEDLaid some tiles
ROOFEDTopped, in a way
ROOFEDLike Seattle's Kingdome
ROOFEDDid thatching
ROOFEDCovered over.
ROOFEDPut a top on
ROOFEDInstalled shingles
ROOFEDDid a big home repair
ROOFEDDid home-repair work
ROOFEDDid some house work